25 Insider Secrets On Home Buying

Home Buying Tricks of the Trade Buying a new home is a big decision, but a little know-how will help you find your dream home in no time. Here are 25 tips from seasoned real estate pros to help you buy a home. Get Your Finances in Order First Before you fill your calendar with […]
15 Things New Homeowners Can Do To Save Money

Learn to balance the budget as a homeowner Congrats on your new place! Here are some ways to pinch those pennies. There are plenty of reasonable things new homeowners can do to save money. After the initial expense of moving, it may be essential to reign in your spending. Here are 15 simple and effective […]
6 Things to Check Before You Waive a Home Inspection

Considering Waiving the Inspection Contingency? I always recommend hiring a home inspector, but there are times when waiving the inspection contigency can make a buyer’s offer more appealing. If you’re considering this stratgey to get your offer accepted, don’t get caught off guard. There are a few things every homebuyer should check before deciding to […]